Pointers on Keeping Your Pets Safe Around Garage Doors

 Garage Door Service Marina Del Ray CA

Keeping Your Pets Safe Around Garage Doors


There are several pets at your home, and you enjoy the animals. Dogs and cats live together and happily in your home alongside your loved ones. In this regard, your home is similar to the vast majority of homes within the US.


There’s no doubt the fact that pets are dear to you. Therefore, you must ensure that they are always healthy and secure. A key part of that is making sure that the places they frequent are secure from potential threats to their safety and health.


One of the areas of your house is the garage, and of course, the garage door, too. It is essential to ensure that all members of your family are aware of the right garage door safety methods. This will keep each family member protected from potential dangers that your garage door could pose. Naturally, your pets are also included since they are considered to be part of the family. Learn more directly to your Experts at Garage Door Service Marina Del Ray CA today.


Here are our top tips for making sure your pet is safe in the garage:


Don’t Leave Your Garage Door Cracked or Open


Many pet owners are in the habit of keeping their garage doors open for them to enter and exit their homes without needing to shut and open them every time. This could be very risky since garage doors rely on tension, which gives the door the stability it requires. After a time, the tension will decrease because of wear and wear and tear. When you leave your garage door open your garage door’s system will require more than normal. The door may fall down without warning, as the spring is weaker, and this could be extremely hazardous for family members and pets.


Don’t Tie Your Dog to Your Garage Door


It’s also not recommended to secure your dog’s collar to the garage door. Do not try to do it, even though the garage door appears to be the perfect place to keep your dog secured. The reason not to do this is that your garage door isn’t stationary and could be moved at any time. It can be dangerous for your dog, whether it is manually or automatically moved.


Check the Top of Your Garage Door Before You Close It


If you’ve got cats at your home, you’ll need to know this specific advice. In the end, they are the pets who typically go to higher and more elevated places to relax and hide. This poses a risk to cats, as they can be crushed or injured when the door to your garage is open. The first thing you should be sure to check is whether your cat is sitting over your garage door prior to opening it. Make sure.


Don’t Allow Your Pets to Chew on the Garage Door


Doing this with your pets is a no-no. Allowing them to play with the door of your garage is an offense. This may not be the norm however it’s crucial to keep track of it to ensure that you must stop your pet from doing this. It’s more likely to happen when pets are younger and require chewing objects because they are in need of a way to get rid of stress or anxiety issues. The issue is that pets can chew on cables that connect to tension springs that are under extreme tension. When pets keep chewing on the cables the chance that the cables may snap is increased.

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